Accessible, flexible and secure digital transformation of the processes of organising and holding voting and electoral processes in public or private organisations.

Organization and remote or hybrid holding of

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Web application for the organisation and remote or hybrid conduction of elections and polls

Our Elections and Voting product is a cloud-based platform for modelling the identification and voting processes of electoral or voting processes.

In a secure and certified environment, supported on Blockchain, the requirements to be met in these processes, as well as those relating to identification and voting, can be modelled.

Parameterisation of the duration of the process. Flexible and fully valid identification methods. Remote, face-to-face or face-to-face voting with telematic voting. Parameterisation of the type of points to be voted (Yes, No, Abstention, etc.). Download of proof of vote and immutable evidence of these.

A single application to make managing elections and voting easy

Facilitates and automates the entire process of opening and closing the process, proxy voting, results tracking, vote receipts and results reporting.


Parametrization of the process to be held

Firstly, the characteristics of the process to be carried out are parameterised: opening and closing, whether or not there is a proxy vote, whether or not there is a casting vote, types of census.

Next, the items to be voted on are defined, which can be yes/no/abstention or customised with multiple selection and if there is a default voting direction.

Whether the votes are anonymous or public must be configured, as well as the majority required and the method of voter identification, with different options for voter security.

Finally, the texts and images to be included in the communications to voters, which form the census of the process, are defined.


Conduct of the vote

When the voting process is opened, if the client so chooses, a message is sent by certified mail to the members of the voting list, with the possibility of tracking the status of this message (delivered, open, delivery error).

. Voters can cast their vote or delegate their vote, if possible, in a specific protected access portal, which must be accessed using the identification method enabled by the meeting administrator.

Each time a vote is cast, the voter can download his or her voting record. The vote is encrypted and cannot be altered or manipulated.


Counting of votes

As the process progresses, the administrator can consult the status of the process and know how many of the voters have voted up to that point. At the end of the process, if there are votes that have been cast in person but not remotely, these are entered into the platform in the management environment so that they are added to the remote votes cast.

Once incorporated, the results of the process can be consulted graphically in the application.


Generation of the record and digital evidence

At the end of the process, the system automatically produces a record of the voting results. The minutes can be digitally signed and downloaded or sent from the platform by administrators.

All votes are privately, securely and immutably recorded thanks to Councilbox's blockchain technology. This evidence is used to prove a posteriori the meaning of the votes cast, providing the necessary legal certainty.

Legal certainty

Full end-to-end traceability
Non-contestability guarantees
Non tampering and non spoofing safeguards
Non-intrusion guarantees

Cost savings

Saving on paper and mailing.
Savings in physical storage space
Savings in time for Secretaries.
No need for attendees to travel.


Modern image
Digitalisation of the Legal / Compliance area
Contribution to sustainability
Better experience for voters

Ease of use

Web access
No installation of applications or plugins
No specific hardware or software requirements
No third-party software
Simple and easy to use interface


Customisable image
Suitable for all types of organisations
Hybrid and remote voting
Customised participation portals
Multiple parameterisation options

Tailored support

Councilbox expert assistance
Customer administration training
Possibility to delegate administration to Councilbox
Support for voters

Associations and other non-profit organisations


    • Elections in Professional Associations.
    • Trade union elections.
    • Voting in Associations and NGOs.
    • Voting in Cooperatives
    • Voting in Sports Clubs and Associations
    • Voting in international organisations
    • Voting in homeowners’ associations
    • Etc.



    • University elections.
    • Student elections.
    • Employee consultations.
    • Student consultations.
    • Etc.

Public Administrations



    • Citizen participation processes.
    • Citizen referendums.
    • Etc.




    • Elections of employee representatives.
    • Employee consultations.
    • Etc.














Secure, certified and auditable environment powered by Blockchain technology

Technology for legal certainty digitally secured

Our platform has ISO 9001, 27001 and high level National Security Scheme certifications, which guarantee the privacy, protection and security measures of the data stored.

We use proprietary blockchain technology to seal the authenticity of the votes at a controlled cost, so that all votes are stored immutably and time-stamped.

In the event of a challenge, the evidence provided by Councilbox forms the basis of a report by a computer expert. The evidence provided in these challenge cases has always been taken into account, thus ruling out any challenge to a meeting or decision that has been proven by our technology.

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