
CNIS 2023

Finalist in the CNIS 2023 awards, in the GovTech category

EnerTIC 2022

Finalist in the X EnerTIC Awards, eGovernment category, with the Virtual Desktop of Digital Immediation (EVID) of the Spanish Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Parliamentary Relations

Professional Association of Computer Engineering of Galicia 2021

Entrepreneurial Initiative Award of the "XIII Noite da Enxeñaría en Informática de Galicia"

Open Call Innovation Alastria 2018

Award Open Call Innovation - Blockchain

South Summit 2017

Finalists in the category B2B & B2G

BBVA Open Talent 2017

Regional Winner

Cuatrecasas Acelera 2016

Selected and special mention in the first edition of the Cuatrecasas Acelera acceleration programme, with the participation of Telefónica Open Future

Salón Mi Empresa 2016

Winners in the SaaS category of the VII Salón Mi Empresa in Madrid

Via Galicia 2015

Selected in the second edition of the acceleration programme of the accelerator VíaGalicia