Citizen Attention with Decentralised Identity Models (ACID)

Context and objectives


The ACID (Atención Ciudadana con modelos de Identidad Descentralizada) project, financed by European Union NextGeneration-EU, the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience, through INCIBE, and developed in collaboration with the Gradiant Technology Centre, seeks to develop a decentralised digital identity system, which is:

  • Universal, portable, usable and scalable, based on open standards.
  • Sovereign self, where end-users will have full control of their digital identity.
  • Privacy-assured, in accordance with European standards and regulations.
  • Secure, using advanced cryptographic techniques to validate the exchange of credentials between end-users, identity issuers and service providers.


Scope of the project


The identity solution under development is targeted at public bodies and private companies, with the aim of enabling a new mechanism to manage specific attributes of a citizen’s identity.

It envisages the development and validation of two digital wallets (user and corporate), to manage the full lifecycle of the digital identity of natural persons in the form of verifiable credentials. These wallets will be compatible with the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI) and its digital identity model (ESSIF).

The technology will respond to the possibilities offered by the regulations already in force, such as the e-Signature Law 6/2020, and will anticipate those that will make possible the regulatory changes that are expected in the short term with regard to the eIDAS Regulation, as in the case of the eIDAS2 amendment proposal put forward by the European Commission.


Comprehensive services for citizens based on ACID


The digital identity solution will be integrated with Councilbox’s Virtual Citizen Service Office (OVAC), oriented towards video assistance for citizens to carry out online procedures with the administration.

Although OVAC already has the most advanced “traditional” identification mechanisms regulated by the Public Administration, such as Cl@ve PIN or digital certificates, thanks to the new identity model, it will be possible to use them in the new system:

  • Identify and authenticate citizens through an identity credential defined by the EBSI network.
  • Issue the citizen with specific credentials depending on the procedure carried out that could be valid in different EU member states, such as a digital credential with the citizen’s European security number, a criminal record certificate or specific attributes of a person’s identity such as age.


Financed by European Union NextGeneration-EU, through INCIBE.


Project developed in collaboration with: